La Paradeta
Just like in a fresh fish market, you´ll be invited to choose your own fish or seafood, and are charged by its weight. They cook all of their top quality fish on the grill while you wait, and bring it to your table as soon as its done. An innovative idea, and though it´s hardly practical, atleast it insures that what you see is what you eat.
They have three other restaurants in Barcelona - one near Sagrada Familia, one in El Born and one near Sants. See their website for more details.
Address:Street Comercial 7 08003
Phone:+34 93 2681 939
Cuisine: Seafood & Paella, Market-fresh
Type: Restaurant
How to get there:
Closest station: barcelneta L4
Other stations: jaume I L4
arc de triomf L1
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