




Tábata restaurant is named after its way they prepair several dishes. Taba stone is a special stone from Finland that can achieve and conserve a high temperature. Vegetables, meat , fish and desserts are cooked on the taba stone. In this way every ingredients unique aroma and flavour can be preserved. At Tábata it is also possible to try more unusual plates such as game, kangaroo and duck.

Address:Torrent de l'Olla 27 08012

Area: Gràcia, Eixample

Phone:93 2378496

Opening times:MON 1PM-4PM TUE-FRI 1PM-4PM 9PM-12AM SAT 9PM-12AM

Cuisine: Traditional, Mediterranean

Type: Restaurant

How to get there:
Closest station: diagonal L5 L3
Other stations: FGC provenza L7 FGC Gracia L7

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