Catedral de Barcelona

Built between the 13th and 15th centuries on the old Romanesque cathedral, built in turn on a church from the Visigoth period that was preceded by an early Christian basilica, which can still be visited underground, such as the baptismal pool in the History Museum from the city. On the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of Barcelona (1888) it was finished with a Gothic stylistic criterion awarded to Josep Oriol Mestres, inspired by the designs made in 1408 by Carles Galtés de Ruan.
Type: Building
Year built:1298
Address: Pla de la Seu s/n Barcelona 08002
Area: Gothic Quarter
Phone:+34 933.428.262
email:[email protected]
Opening times:Laborables y sabados 8.00-12.45 (Claustro: 8.30-12.30): Entrada gratuita 13.00-17.00: Entrada con donativo 17.15-19.30 (Claustre: 17.15-19.00): Entrada gratuita DOMINGOS Y FESTIVOS 8.00-13.45 (Claustro: 8.30-13.00): Entrada gratuita 14.00-17
Author: Josep Oriol Mestres, Jaume Fabre, Bernat Roca, Arnau Bargués, Carles Galtés de Ruan, Andrés Escuder
Style: Gothic, Gothic Revival
Area of interest: Architecture, Literature, History, Tradition
Services: Museum, Shop, Religious temple
How to get there:
Closest station: jaume I L4
Other stations: liceu L3
plaza catalunya L1 L3
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Shunka, City Bar, Neri, Koy Shunka, Ávalon, La vinateria de Call, Neyras, Bernies Diner , Bliss, Els Quatre Gats,
Best attractions near Catedral de Barcelona:
Murallas Romanas y Capilla de Santa Agata., Plaza de San Felipe Neri, Ajuntament de Barcelona,