
Situated in the heart of the old town, very near the Cathedral, the Neyras restaurant is a good choise for any fish and seafood lover. In the entrence the sea gets exposed by a fishtank full of different tipes of fish. The decoration in general has a harbour atmosphere. At Neyras you will find a well exposed tapasbar in the entrence and a dining room further in. Any kind of fish and sefood is recommended.
Address:Via Laietana 41 08003
Phone:93 3024647
Opening times:MON-SUN 1PM-4PM 8.30PM-12AM
Cuisine: Seafood & Paella, Tapas, Traditional, Catalan, Mediterranean
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: Classic
How to get there:
Closest station: urquinaona L1 L4
Other stations: jaume I L4
plaza catalunya L1 L3
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