7 Portes





7 Portes is one of the oldest and most well-reputed restaurants in Barcelona. It's been running for over 150 years and is highly recommended. They serve consistently high quality Catalan cuisine, which you can enjoy in one of the four elegant dining rooms. The paella is said to be one of, if not the most superior on offer in Barcelona. They also have a well-stocked wine cellar. Be sure to book your table in advance,as 7 portes it's in high demand.

Address:Passeig Isabel II, 14 08003

Area: Seaside, Born, Gotic

Phone:+34 93 319 30 33

email:[email protected]

Cuisine: Seafood & Paella, Traditional, Catalan

Type: Restaurant

Facilities: Classic

How to get there:
Closest station: barcelneta L4
Other stations: jaume I L4


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