Cal Pep

This very popular seafood and tapas bar is situated in the arty area of el Born. Cal Pep is always crowded so you better come early to get a seat. The dining room is at the back but at the front behind the bar is where you get teased to try all what the sea can offer of squid, shrimps, or clams. You will not find the most creative courses, neither fancy people, nor cheap prices, but exquisite fried small fishes, baby squids and really tasty tomato bread.
Address:Plaça de les Olles 8
Phone:+3493 3107961
Opening times:MON 8PM-11.45PM TUE-SAT 1.30PM-4PM 8PM-11.45PM
Cuisine: Seafood & Paella, Tapas
Type: Restaurant
How to get there:
Closest station: barcelneta L4
Other stations: jaume I L4
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