Dos Palillos

Chef Albert Raurich has developed a menu based on haiku poetry. Guests can eat five or six courses inspiration Japan - often divided into three mini-dishes - where sensitivity, texture and overall job satisfaction for the best possible result.
Address:Carrer d'Elisabets, 9 Barcelona 08001
Area: Gotic
Phone:+34 93 304 05 13
email:[email protected]
Opening times:Sundays & Mondays closed. Tuesd / Wed de 19:30h a 23:30h th to Sat from 13:30h - 15:30h and 19:30 h to 23:30h
Cuisine: Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: Classic, terrace, only in bar
How to get there:
Closest station: plaza catalunya L1 L3
Other stations: FGC barcelona plaza catalunya L7
liceu L3
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