Cuines Santa Caterina

Next to the cathedral, in the market of Santa Caterina architectural icon of the city, is the restaurant Cuines Santa Caterina. Kitchens and bars product to vistaconsiguen a fun and dynamic, with a selection of market products including Mediterranean, Asian and vegetarian dishes.
Address:Francesc Cambó 16 08003
Phone:+34 932 689 918
Opening times:13.00 - 16.00 h; 20.00 - 00.30 h
Cuisine: Seafood & Paella, Tapas, Japanese, Mediterranean, Grill, Juice bar, Market-fresh, Author
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: terrace, design, late-closing, only in bar, Open on Sunday night
How to get there:
Closest station: jaume I L4
Other stations: urquinaona L1 L4
arc de triomf L1
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