Comerç 24

The new school of inventive Catalan cuisine started with the master chef Ferran Adrià and his kitchen El Bulli on the coast of Rosas. Carles Abellan was once a disciple at Bulli, but today he has his own restaurant of new wave tapas, Comerç 24. The selection of tapas changes throughout the year, but is always surprisingly funny, different and amazingly good. Like the coast sardines with grape and avocado, Artichoke hearts truffle and qauil eggs and the Salmon with vanilla. A mix of flavours from Asia, America, Italy, The Mediterranean and Catalonia, beautifully presented, with the best service but in an environment, somewhat grey and cold.
Address:Street Comerç 24 08003
email:[email protected]
Opening times:MON-SAT 1.30PM-3.30PM 8.30PM-11.45PM
Cuisine: Tapas, Fusion, Modern, Inventive
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: exclusive fashion, design, exceptional cuisine worth a special journey
How to get there:
Closest station: arc de triomf L1
Other stations: jaume I L4
barcelneta L4
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