
The Bossborn, in the trendy Born district, offers perfect bite-size Mediterranean treats to a cosmopolitan clientele. Its dark wood gives it character and keeps it cool - the perfect refuge from a hot summer´s day. Every dish is made with fresh, quality produce and are beautifully presented. The chef´s recommendations include duck grilled with apple and red berry sauce, grilled tenderloin steak with sake and roast potatoes, and fried egg and potatoes with ham and truffle oil.
Address:Pla de Palau 13 08003
Phone:93 2681001, 93 2680635
Opening times:MON 8.30PM-12AM TUE-SAT1.30PM-4PM 8.30PM-12AM
Type: Restaurant
How to get there:
Closest station: barcelneta L4
Other stations: jaume I L4
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