La Bodegueta

La Bodegeta, a former wine bodega, is a typical and well known tapas bar in Barcelona. Situated right on the pedestrian street Rambla Catalunya you can enjoy your tapas outside in the summertime. The basement local might have an old look, but is always full of a nice mix of customers of all ages. If you want to eat prime-quality tapas and drinking reasonably priced wine, La Bodegeta is your choice.
Address:Rambla de Catalunya 100
Area: Eixample
Phone:+34 93 2154894
Opening times: MON- SAT 8AM-2AM SUN6.30PM-1AM Closed 2WEEKS IN Aug
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: terrace
How to get there:
Closest station: diagonal L5 L3
Other stations: FGC provenza L7
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