




L´Olive restaurant is named after its owner, but is also perfectly suited to its food and decor. They specialise in traditional Catalan and Mediterranean home cooking. Their most popular specialities are combined "sea and mountain" dishes. It´s a warm and comfortable restaurant, decorated in natural green and brown tones. The kitchen is in view from the entrance and the end of the dining room which gives it an open atmosphere. Private rooms can be found in the basement.

Address:Balmes 47 08007

Area: Eixample

Phone:93 452 19 90

Opening times:MON-SAT 1PM-4PM 8.30PM-12AM

Cuisine: Traditional, Catalan, Mediterranean, Grill, Market-fresh, Spanish

Type: Restaurant

Facilities: Very comfortable

How to get there:
Closest station: universitat L1 L2
Other stations: paseo de gracia L2 L3 L4 FGC barcelona plaza catalunya L7


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