
Xavier Franco and his wife Anna Doñate has opened up this experimental Catalan food restaurant, named Sauc in the heart of Eixample district. It is a small and sophisticated restaurant that, despite being inventive, continues the tradition with Catalan flavours by mixing products from the sea and mountain on the same plate. Tuna with green lenses and pig's feet, saffron potatoe with fried garlic and onions or scallop with cod innards and black sausage.
Address:Ptge Lluís Pellicer 12 08036
Area: Eixample
Phone:93 3210189
Opening times:MON 1.30PM-3.30PM TUE-SAT 1.30PM-3.30PM 8.30PM-10.30PM
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: design
How to get there:
Closest station: hospital clinic L5
Other stations: FGC Gracia L7
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