Al Jaima

This charismatic Lebanese restaurant, offers traditional flavours in an exotic environment with arabic carpets and - strange, but it works - waterpipes. Tomatoes, onions, parsley, fresh mint, olive oil, lemons, chickpeas, sesame seeds, aubergine and lamb are all the basic elements used to create their signature Lebanese dishes. On Friday and Saturday nights they have brilliant bellydance performances.
Address:Street València 218 08011
Area: Eixample
Phone:+34 93 4540712
Opening times:MON-FRI 1PM-4PM 8.30PM-12AM SAT 8.30PM-12AM
Cuisine: Traditional, Lebanese
Type: Restaurant
How to get there:
Closest station: universitat L1 L2
Other stations: FGC provenza L7
diagonal L5 L3
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