




Comfortable restaurant, where classical Catalan mixes with the modern. The kitchen produce balanced dishes with local ingredients as well as Asian tastes. Maybe the best restaurant from the same chain as Balthazar and La Polpa. Try the shrimp burger, the goat cheese salad with quince or the smoked cod for great satisfaction. Open for lunch. Dinner, first round at 9pm, second round at 11pm.

Do not spect too much from the staff, but the food and prices are great.

Address:Valencia 193 08008

Area: Eixample

Phone:+34 93 4511434

Opening times:MON-TU 6PM-11.30PM. FRI-SUN 1.30PM-12PM

Cuisine: Fusion, Modern, Catalan, Mediterranean

Type: Restaurant

Facilities: Very comfortable, design

How to get there:
Closest station: FGC provenza L7
Other stations: diagonal L5 L3 universitat L1 L2

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